Techniques and Remedies Used for Pipe Cleaning

Everyone’s pipes get dirty and clogged, lined with grease and grime, and they become less efficient. You may have thought about pipe cleaning and what you can do to increase the speed of your drains. You have a lot of options: everything from plumber’s helpers to commercial products that chemically flush your drains to at-home, DIY solutions to calling a drain cleaner. Let’s look at each one.

For pipe cleaning, a plumber’s helper may be the oldest trick we
have. It works on suction, preventing air from entering the pipe while you
exert pressure on whatever is already down there. If you have something
stuck—soft waste, a wad of paper towels flushed by accident—a plumber’s helper
is usually good enough. Potato peelings run through the sink disposal by
mistake? Typically the suction of a plumber’s helper can clear it, and the
process can remind you to never try that again!

Next, we have those commercial drain cleaners you can buy at any
home store, including the home aisle of most grocery stores. The main
ingredient in most of these products is sodium hydroxide (caustic soda or lye)
or sulfuric acid.  Put some of that on an
old rag and watch how it burns through. That is what it does to the waste
matter clogging your drain, which is why it clears the drain. However, put an
old spoon or fork in the solution, and you can see what it does to metal as
well.  If you don’t want to damage your
pipes, you avoid these products.

Your next option is using a home remedy. We have detailed this
before, but the idea is to flush the drain with boiling water, then pour down
one cup of baking soda, followed by vinegar and a lid to keep the reaction
headed down the drain. Baking soda and vinegar don’t damage pipes.

When your drain needs more than this, give us a call.